The thesisdown package for R compiles a nice pdf. Chapters are stored as separate .Rmd files. So, when typing away in ess how do you compile the whole thing?

I made an R script that can be called from bash.

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

## stored @ ~/school/makeThesis.R
## call from bash:  Rscript ~/school/makeThesis.R 
## makes the thesis as /Volumes/Bmac/febThesis/thesis.pdf


Then I wrote a defun - define function, in emacs that calls this script.

;; a function to compile my thesis
  (defun compileThesis (arg)       ; Interactive version.
    "Compiles thesis."
    (interactive "p")
    (shell-command "Rscript ~/school/makeThesis.R"))

And finally, a keybinding to call it. Now I can be working in 03-chap3.Rmd and quickly compile the project, which of course will auto-refresh if you use Skim instead of Preview as your pdf viewer.

(global-set-key (kbd "M-m c t")   (lambda () (interactive) 'compileThesis))   ;            ;; mnemonic - "compile Thesis"

Sometimes you are just working in a single file in ess, without the complications of multiple chapters and a separate Index.Rmd. But, I haven’t found the best knitr function in ess or polymode, so I have a function to compile a single r-markdown notebook, just like the knit button in RStudio.

  ;; a function to compileRmdToPdf
  (defun compileRmdToPdf () "Compiles the current buffer as a pdf" (interactive)
         (call-process("R -e 'rmarkdown::render(%s, \"pdf_document\")' " buffer-file-name)))
  (global-set-key (kbd "M-m c p")   (lambda () (interactive) 'compileRmdToPdf)) ; compile pdf

I’m still not very good at writing keybindings for emacs. I’m sure it would be better to make this in the polymode keymap.