But, what I’d really like to do is run

rmarkdown::render("elispVersionOfBufferName", "pdf_document")

and add that to the org-export C-c C-e menu probably. Currently have to skip to the last line and execute. And type the file name. Here’s my Rmd template at the moment.

title: "TDD eg"
date: 2017-02-08
latex_engine: xelatex
# Simple example of Test Driven Development in R.
  {r, definefxn}
foo <- function(x) x^2

Test fxn
{r testfxn}
expect_is(foo(8), "numeric")
#expect_equal(foo(8), 6) #when this fails pdf won't build

## build with:
{r, eval=FALSE}
rmarkdown::render("tddR.Rmd", "pdf_document")