A live-blog post setting up blogging in Rmd.

Pre-reqs: I already have a working jekyll / github pages setup.


I want to blog from .Rmd instead of .md.


Code blocks will be executable, not just syntax-highlighted, no need to retype my data exploration just to blog about it.

How: follow instructions from https://jekyll.yihui.name/2014/09/jekyll-with-knitr.html and https://www.r-bloggers.com/blogging-with-rmarkdown-knitr-and-jekyll/

# install some helper functions for Rmd to jekyll workflow
## Error: attempt to use zero-length variable name

include some code.

x <-99
y <- x + 1
cat(``hello world'')
## Error: attempt to use zero-length variable name

hmm, seems this .Rmd needs to be in the _source directory inside a jekyll site directory.

build blog post with:

fails, try again after setwd(path/to/jekyllblog/_source) quotes are messed up, some problem with smart quotes, hmm.

build pdf with: