Apparently tags and categories are not the same thing to jekyll.

hmm, seems that the org-export to .md function has disappeared. Prompted me to try a new blogging layer for spacemacs.

The spacemacs-jekyll layer is in .emacs.d/private/jekyll It uses the hyde layer @ .emacsd/elpa/hyde-20160507.2008

It shouldn’t be auto-updating, so any mods I make to it shouldn’t get overwritten. Possibly my mods actually do in the elpa subdir, where they are vulnerable to overwrites.

I hope it doesn’t require too many changes to my old setup.

Seems like I will have to modify the template generator for the yaml header section of new posts. It leaves out the language and date variables I need to sort my posts.

blogging with the jekyll layer involves hitting SPC a j when you have a file open in emacs in your blog’s directory. hmm.

ok, seems like it lets me “skip”

  1. export from org-mode to .md

  2. jekyll build

To create a new post:

  1. SPC a d - dired window, go to blog dir

  2. pick any file

  3. SPC a j - jekyll layer window

  4. n - new post

4.5 fixed !

how: edit the file hyde.el, section

(defun hyde/new-post (title)
      (insert "date: 2017-MM-DD TT:TT:TT \n")
      (insert "categories: \n")
      (insert "lang: end\n")
      (insert "ref: \n")

still todo: make date/time automatic

old: add lines in YAML header

date: 2016-09-01 16:48:44 +0333 lang: en (or he) categories: ref: someName ## this is the same for translations of the same post

  1. SPC a j arrow to the post you just created c - commit the post

  2. M-x magit-push - pushes the blog post to github pages.

huh, looks like I had to edit org-export-backends in .emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-date/org.el had to add md to the list. now i can/could compose in .org instead of .md, then my code blocks would actually be executable, I guess really for my current workflow I need to blog from .Rmd, is that possible?

Ok, it’s been possible for more than a year. I guess that’s something I could look into then since I seem to prefer rmarkdown at the moment to org-babel-tangle-R blocks.

broken: Added disqus to this post. broken: tag cloud is just a list and links are dead

Tag Cloud

Israel (1)

elisp (1)

emacs (1)

gis (1)

jekyll (4)

knitr (3)

layer (1)

map (1)

package (3)

rmd (3)

servr (3)

spacemacs (1)